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Network EICC - free search for business partners in Russia and abroad. Production of disposable tableware: Business plan with calculating plastic dishes factory

Compact and lightweight plastic dishes are very popular in peace and Russia. It is widely used in everyday life and product business. Dynamics for 2005-2016. Volumes of the market of this product in our country grew. On average, 10-15% annually, it continues to grow now.

Under these conditions, it seems an interesting idea to open a small plant for the production of disposable dishes. The article will tell about the peculiarities of the production of plastic products, about the situation in the market. In it you will find both economic calculations of the payback of business.

Sales market

The market of disposable plastic dishes in the country began to actively develop after 2000. In addition to Russian manufacturers, European countries were engaged in the supply of these products. Among the main exporters are Germany, Italy, Finland. The market has steadily growing even during the 2009 global financial crisis.

Now for foreign manufacturers, a barrier was put - large import duties. This has opened additional opportunities for domestic enterprises.

Now the Russian market of disposable dishes is open for new participants - it is filled in about 75-80%. A large share of products produced in the country goes to the EAEU market, mainly in Belarus and Kazakhstan. Consumption in Russia continues to consistently increase.

Potential consumers

Among the main consumers of disposable tableware:

  • catering points - more than 50%;
  • catering (holding festive events, cooperatives) - 20-25%;
  • seasonal cafe on the street - 15-20%
  • retail in stores - about 10%.

The entrepreneur needs to count on the goods to the stores in bulk.

You can also highlight the direction of the vending - the sale of food through automata. In Russia, this direction is only evolving, therefore, the prospects for extremely rainbow.

There is a comparing the situation in the Russian and Western markets, in our country the level of consumption is noticeably lower. This suggests that the market has a height space.

Benefits of disposable dishes

The high popularity of disposable dishes is due to its unconditional advantages:

  1. Small weight and lack of risk break it. Plastic dishes are comfortable to take with me on picnics, hiking. With high capacity it is compact, it takes a little place in the luggage.
  2. Hygienicity. It is suitable for one-time use, after it is thrown. Because there is no risk to "pick up" an intestinal infection.
  3. Chemical resistance and heat resistance. The dishes are easy to apply for hot dishes.
  4. Multifunctionality. From plastic make cutlery (spoons, forks, knives) and other dishes (glasses, plates) of different sizes and shapes.
  5. Safety. According to the compliance, plastic dishes are safe for health.
  6. Low price. The main advantage - to buy a disposable dishes can a person with any salary.

Initial expenses

To create a small plant for the manufacture of disposable dishes, a solid initial amount will be required. The main costs of expenses are the acquisition of high-quality equipment and salary payment to employees. High wages need to be installed in the main technologist - a specialist, from which the quality of the finished product directly depends.

Table 1. Calculation of the initial investment to launch production.

The cost of renting the premises - for a provincial city with a population of up to 1 million people.

check in

You can start a business both in the form of PI and as a legal entity (LLC). Work as an individual entrepreneur is suitable for the launch of a small production workshop. But major catering companies, as well as retail chains, prefer to work with JUR. persons.

OKVED code during registration - 25.24.2 ("Production of plastic dining and kitchenware, toiletries").

It is not necessary to receive a license, but the work should be brought into compliance with the GOST. Industrial production can be started after receiving the product quality certificate from Rospotrebnadzor and compliance with its GOST.

All wholesale buyers will request certificates of conformity, they will not buy without them.


Below is a list of standards that are important to study and take into account by organizing the production of disposable tableware:

  1. GOST R 50962-96 - "Dishes and products of economic destination from plastics. General specifications ";
  2. GOST 15820-82 - "Polystyrene and copolymers of styrene";
  3. GN - instead of Sanpina No. 42-123-4240-86 "Permissible amounts of migration (DKM) of chemicals that are distinguished from polymeric and other materials in contact with food and methods of their definition";
  4. SP - "Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, manufacturing equipment and workplace";
  5. GN - "MPC of harmful substances in the air of the working area".


The production room is better to look for the city, far from the residential areas, because the production of plastic dishes is accompanied by harmful evaporation. In addition, the work of the workshop in such places is cheaper - both in terms of the cost of renting and the size of the wage staff. No need to place an object too far from sales markets to avoid growth in logistics costs.

On an area of \u200b\u200b120-150 square meters. M will be located directly the production workshop, warehouses, room for personnel, administrative rooms.

When choosing and arranged the territory for mini factory, the following requirements are taken into account:

  • the presence of concrete floor or smooth tiles;
  • coating walls with a cafeter or other fireproof material;
  • the height of the ceilings is at least 4.5-5 m;
  • the presence of good engineering communications - powerful ventilation and power supply (three-phase network, 380V).


Polystyrene or polypropylene is used as raw materials for the manufacture of plastic dishes. You can apply granular polystyrene (granulate), which is processed into the film. From film and forming products.

And you can buy a ready-made semi-finished product - polystyrene film. It is more expensive, but the process of production is accelerated with it. It is recommended to buy all the techniques, provide a full production cycle. In the future, it will pay off and will reduce the cost of finished products to a minimum.

The most important thing when choosing raw materials is the absence of harmful impurities. You need to choose only food polystyrene.

Equipment for the production of disposable dishes

The main item of expenses in organizing business is the purchase of equipment. There is a dear German technique on sale, cheaper Chinese. You can buy used equipment, but in this case you will have to lay unforeseen expenses in the budget - for repairs.

Under the terms of our business plan, the finished line is purchased for the production of disposable dishes. It will ensure the automation of the process and the high quality of the product at the output. The cost of such a line is 4 million rubles, productivity - 30 thousand units of products per hour. Its design includes an extruder, a thermoplastic machine, a trimmer, presses, a car for beating edges.

You can also buy a shredder and printer to apply images. Although the work of the workshop is possible without them.

Production technology

  1. The extruder adds raw materials. Plastic balls are heated and melted. With the help of a screw press, they are mixed up to a homogeneous state. In addition to white balls, you can add multi-colored. This allows you to create dishes of a certain color.
  2. Liquid driving melt is passed through the press. This is how the canvas is created, the film whose thickness is up to 2 mm. It is screwed into rolls or further processed.
  3. In the thermoforming machine, the film is heated again and is delayed in the mold.
  4. The canvas with the rows of the forms crushed in it enters the trimmer, which cuts the blanks.
  5. Billets are sorted and modified on the conveyor - the edges bending occurs. After packaging is performed.

Unused cutting of plastic from the trimmer can be re-lay in the extruder for smelting.


Table 3. List of workers needed for production.

Name vacancies

Main functions

Manager, 1 person.

Monitoring work, interaction with counterparties

Chief technologist, master shop, 1 person.

Control over the process and manufacturing production

Workers, 2 people.

Work on equipment

Movers, 2 people.

Filling raw materials, unloading and loading work

Driver, 1 person.

Logistics, delivery of goods

Sales Manager, 1 person.

Search for buyers, conclusion of supply contracts

Cleaners, 2 people.

Cleaning, maintaining cleanliness in the workshop

Total - 11 people. The functions of the manager (director) can be performed by the entrepreneur itself (first time). An accountant should be hired by outsourcing.

The main task is to find qualified workers. The main technologist can "make" himself by sending a person to training for the manufacturer. Subsequently, he will teach workers from scratch.

Financial Plan: Profitability and Payback

The initial costs amounted to 5.28 million rubles.

Monthly costs fold from such articles:

  • purchase of raw materials for production;
  • rent price;
  • staff salary;
  • additional and unaccounted costs.

In total - 1.3 million rubles.

For 22 work shifts will be produced 5,280,000 products.

30000 × 8 × 22 \u003d 5.28 million PCS

The average retail price of 1 product (cup, plates, cutlery) - 31 kopecks. When implemented for the month of production, it is possible to rescue 1.63 million rubles.

Net profit is 330 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the business for the production of disposable dishes can fully comply with himself for 16 months, then it will begin to bring a stable monthly income to its owner.

Possible risks

The main risks for a businessman are:

  1. Competition. In Russia, many large manufacturers of disposable dishes that have already gained and have a good reputation. We are talking both about domestic companies and about foreign, which continue to supply in the Russian Federation, even despite the high duties. In addition, some foreign manufacturers simply posted factories in Russia.
  2. Uncertain perspectives and status. Abroad (including in Western European countries) thought about the prohibition of using disposable plastic dishes. Replacing it on paper - the way to reduce the harm of the Earth's biosphere. Russia also has been talking about this, although we are more difficult to implement an idea due to the lack of a mechanism on separate garbage collection.

It is expected that in the next decade in our country, the demand for plastic dishes will remain high. In such conditions, production on an industrial scale (with its correct organization) will allow a businessman to gain a foothold on the market, get valuable experience and large geashel for further expansion and diversification. Our business plan for organizing the production of disposable dishes will better understand the question, to evaluate their investment opportunities, approximate scope of work and potential profits.

Production of disposable plastic dishes is a relevant and profitable business, which has a fairly fast payback period. Despite the fact that this category of goods appeared on the market for a long time, it continues to use consumers with stable demand. Every year products are produced in the world in the amount of over $ 40 million, most of it is implemented in large megalopolis. It should be borne in mind that there is high competition in this area, in order to attract potential customers, novice entrepreneurs need to competently approach the organization of a business project.

Advantages of plastic dishes

Plastic products have many advantages, they are practical, hygienic, easy to use, and have an affordable price. The range of such products is varied. It can be glasses, forks, spoons, plates, knives and many other products. Disposable utensils are often used in office space, at dachas, during the rest in nature. It is indispensable in various bistros, summer cafes, pizzerias, canteens and other similar institutions.

This product can be made from polystyrene or polypropylene. Polystyrene utensils are designed for cooled drinks and products. Polypropylene products have a high melting point, if necessary, they can be warmed up in a microwave oven.
Video - Production of polypropylene multi-sized dishes:

Stages of building business

In order for commercial activities soon to start making high profits, you need to make a detailed business plan. It includes the following steps:

  • registration of the company in the form of LLC or IP;
  • the choice of tax form and registration of permits;
  • purchase of raw materials and equipment;
  • rent shops;
  • recruitment;
  • production of products;
  • conducting a marketing company;
  • sales of goods.

Technology production of disposable dishes

Production manufacturing technology consists of several stages:

  • the raw material is heated in the extruder and mixes to the desired consistency;
  • hot mass is processed by a special press, resulting in a plastic film;
  • the canvas is placed in a thermoforming unit that allows you to give the form of future dishes;
  • with the help of a trimmer from the film, separate blanks are cut;
  • finished products fold in stacks and packaged.

Video - How plastic forks, spoons and cups are made:

Financial calculations

The organization of this business requires significant capital investments:

  • acquisition of the production line for the production of dishes - from 1000 000 rubles;
  • order of the first batch of raw materials - from 70,000 rubles;
  • registration of documentation - from 30 000 rubles.

The cost of producing one unit of goods is from 0.25 rubles. It includes rental costs, salary, utilities, advertising and purchase of raw materials. If you produce about 8,000,000 products monthly and sell every product at a price of 0.31 rubles, net profit will be from 480,000 rubles per month.


  • starting capital: from 1100,000 rubles;
  • monthly profit: from 480,000 rubles;
  • payback period: from 3 months.

Required documents

For opening an enterprise, a license is not required. Businessmen need to issue the following documentation:

  • certificates for products;
  • permissions from fire service and SES;
  • permits from Rospotrebnadzor.

Requirements for the room

To organize the production process, it is recommended to choose a room with an area of \u200b\u200b500 m2, located away from the city, in the industrial zone. It should provide several functional zones:

  • workshop in which equipment will be installed for the production of plastic disposable dishes;
  • warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products;
  • bathroom;
  • locker rooms for employees.

The room must comply with all the requirements of the GOST, it should be done in it, as well as equip it with all the necessary communications.
Working process of manufacturing plastic packaging in the manufacturing workshop:


Equipment for the release of plastic dishes includes:

  • thermoplastic installation;
  • extruder;
  • thermoforming machine.


The effectiveness of the production process largely depends on the level of staff qualifications, so it is recommended to host experienced employees. The company needs to include:

  • director;
  • technologists;
  • equipment setups;
  • loaders;
  • handymen;
  • accountant;
  • drivers;
  • cleaners.


Attract potential customers will help a competently thoughtful marketing strategy. A good effect can advertise on the Internet, it is recommended to be placed on specialized resources, forums and social networks. Creating your own website where photos of products are posted, will allow you to attract an additional stream of buyers.

Sales products

In order to successfully implement the finished products, you need to take care of the search for sales channels in advance. The goods can be supplied to various catering establishments:

  • cafe;
  • bistro;
  • pizzeria;
  • pancakes;
  • canteens;
  • kiosks selling food and drinks for removal.

You can also establish cooperation with Catering companies and firms that deliver products to the house. Additional profits can be obtained by supplying plastic dishes in large stores and supermarkets. You can offer products to individuals by organizing our own wholesale and retail sales points.

One of the promising directions today is the production of paper dishes as a business. By purchasing good powerful equipment and having mastered manufacturing technology, you can conquer the unfilled market. After all, most of this product goes to us from abroad, and very few domestic workshops.

It is enough to competently compile a business plan, to study the market for the selected region, prepare the production process, hire employees and agree on the supply of the first batch of goods. And after 6-12 months, you will begin to receive a net profit, which will give the opportunity to expand and offer customers new options for dishes.

Business features

Disposable cups and plates quickly entered the fashion. But if until recently, only plastic options could be found on the store shelves, then today they successfully moved paper products. Such dishes are distinguished by the following advantages:

  1. Hygienicity.
  2. Ecology.
  3. Does not spoil the taste of products.
  4. Low thermal conductivity, which makes it possible not to burn hands, holding a hot drink.
  5. The material from which it is made is completely decomposed for several years without damage to the surrounding nature.
  6. On paper it is easy to print an advertisement or company logo.

Such products are increasingly in demand, but in Russia there is still a very low level of competition among manufacturers. Machining disposable dishes, it is possible by reducing prices even foreign suppliers.

This business is good in that the automated highlighted line will produce dishes 24 hours a day, all year round. And the workers will not need a lot for this. With not very high costs, after a few months you will leave for complete payback. It is not surprising that the production of paper dishes is considered a very promising project.

Registration of enterprise

You can issue a business as an IP, but still specialists are recommended, as a legal entity will be their advantages:

  • available more founders;
  • in case of failure, you risk only by authorized capital;
  • large companies prefer to cooperate with the company, rather than with a separate entrepreneur;
  • such a business is more confidence in various controlling services;
  • it is possible to reimburse VAT, which significantly affects the financial component.

In addition, it will be necessary to choose the appropriate OKVED code for the release of disposable utensils from paper. When making workers, it is necessary to register in the Pension Fund and FSS. And also be sure to obtain permission from the SES and the fire inspection on the production of food products to which this type of product belongs. Special attention should be paid to the requirements of GOST and SUNPIN.

Technological stages

When establishing an automated line using modern equipment, the production of disposable dishes is a simple process:

  1. The laminated sheet of paper is applied.
  2. The workpiece of the desired size is carved by a special press.
  3. In the molding machine, the product gives conceived volumes.
  4. The edges are disappeared, is superfluous.
  5. If this is the production of cups, then the bottom is cut separately and laid inside.

A special laminated paper (single or double-sided) is used as raw materials. Its density should be 150-350 g / m2. Finnish material is considered the best quality, but at the expense of high rates, the cost of such dishes will be too large. Therefore, it is recommended to use the paper of the domestic manufacturer, which will significantly reduce the costs.

Choosing a shop

For the manufacture of disposable dishes it will take enough space. Depending on the range, alleged revolutions and the presence of certain machines, the corresponding room is selected:

  • it should be in the industrial part of the city;
  • the minimum ceiling height is 4.5 meters;
  • concrete or tiled floor;
  • refractory coating on the walls;
  • the presence of a three-phase power grid necessarily;
  • installed water supply and good ventilation system.

The whole building is divided into certain working areas - workshop, warehouse, administration, utility rooms, bathrooms, locker rooms for employees. Also check the list of requirements from the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire safety so that the controlling authorities do not prevent claims.

What to purchase equipment?

In order to produce paper disposable dishes will have to purchase an automated line. First, it is advisable to determine the list of desired items, for example:

  1. Apparatus for caring blanks.
  2. Device for thermal or ultrasonic processing.
  3. Printing press.
  4. Nozzles and blanks for giving the necessary forms and sizes, etc.

Consider that there are two different lines for the release of plates and glasses. After all, even if possible, changing the nozzles on the same machine in order to maintain the desired production rate is extremely undesirable to stop the process.

When choosing, pay attention to the power of the device, the quantity and quality of products manufactured, as well as on the method of gluing parts. It can be ultrasound or thermal. The first option is more preferred, though expensive.

Another important point when buying equipment is the choice of the manufacturer. European and American machines are distinguished by high quality and good work speed, but their price may seem too expensive. Chinese devices on the market are considered the cheapest, but also give a lot of marriage, which will significantly affect the entire workflow.

The most optimal is considered the choice of equipment of the European manufacturer, as the more suitable cost is available to purchase an automated line for the release of disposable good quality utensils.


To work on such machines, there is no large number of people, and even more highly qualified specialists. Therefore, it is enough to hire a few people who will only control the machines and fold the goods.

True, you still have to hire:

  • Accountant for financial statements or inviting it only if necessary.
  • Sales manager products, since the success of the entire business depends on the company's established relationships with buyers.

After the production of products is established by one of the most important tasks, it remains to organize the sale of the goods produced. Better, if an experienced manager will take this issue. Basically, paper disposable dishes are purchased:

  1. (cafe, restaurants, fast food).
  2. SportsCompleks.
  3. Entertainment centers.
  4. etc.

To disseminate information about their production, you can use all modern available methods of advertising - media, Internet, banners, ads, etc. Enclosing several contracts with regular wholesale customers, you will ensure the stability to your business and quickly leave for complete payback.

Download for free as sample.

Financial calculations

To predict the profitability of the project and find out for what period you can return your initial investments, you need to determine the cost of selected equipment, production volumes and establish a quick sales of goods.

For example, if you purchase an automated high power line for 1 million rubles, you can count on the release of 35 products per minute. With round-the-clock production, this will be approximately 1,500,000 copies per month. And if you do a low margin on the goods, let's say, 1 ruble over cost, then income will be 1,500,000 rubles.

From this amount you need to subtract taxes, deductions for wages, utilities, the acquisition of raw materials for the next batch of goods, etc. As a result, after six months, you can talk about the full payback of initial investments.

  • acquire better and powerful equipment;
  • install machine tools for a variety of assortment;
  • open branches in other regions, etc.

Video: Production of paper glasses.


Calculate delivery

Russian plants of disposable dishes

- Catalog for 2020. Products provided 50 enterprises. Disposable tableware:

  • "Plastic DV".
  • "Atlas".
  • "Artplast".
  • "Bulgar Marry" and others.

Manufacturers have mastered the production of plastic and paper products. Plastic products occupied 80% of the market, from paper 20%. Companies offered an assortment: cups, containers, plates. Production also produces glasses for machines with drinks. Equipment in production has been upgraded. Companies have mastered sales through online stores.

Production organizations have established a release of plastic recycling products. Food manufacturers and food companies everywhere apply disposable devices. Business introduced new packaging methods, applied safe raw materials and materials. Prices for Russian products up to 70% more profitable imported.

Transport organizations will help with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region, federal regions and abroad. Enterprises have added addresses and phone numbers to the "Contacts" tab on the exhibition site. The Russian manufacturer is looking for suppliers, wholesale buyers. An employee of the company will inform you how to buy goods wholesale, download price, enter into a dealer agreement. The list is updated.



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