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Offers, leads, hold and earnings. What is CPA Marketing and CPA Networks? Offers, leads, hold and earnings What is Leads, lead generation

Hi all! Haven't posted anything useful in a long time. It's time to somehow update the blog, adding information on the topic. And today we will talk about website monetization with offers from CPA networks.

Offer is a company in the CPA network. I work with commodity CPA-networks, so any product will be an offer here.

Each offer has:
working conditions (GEO, allowed traffic sources, cost of goods, amount of payment to the webmaster, etc.);
promotional materials (landing pages, transit pages, sometimes banners and videos);
statistics from the CPA affiliate program (average for the EPC system, CR, % of confirmed applications, etc.).

Landing- selling promotional page. A page on which a visitor can become a client - leave an application or perform some other action (register, buy a product, enter his phone number, etc.).

Traffic can be sent either directly to the landing page or sent to transit. I pour from sites through transit.

Statistics in CPA

Now, if one of the visitors leaves an application on the landing page, this will be reflected in the statistics in the “Conversions” column.

Application, conversion, lead- it's basically the same thing. Very often you can hear something like this from affiliates: “Bad conversion” or “Pour traffic and get 10 leads”.

An application can have 3 statuses:

  • expects;
  • accepted;
  • rejected.

As soon as the application is accepted, you will receive deductions for the goods. On average, somewhere around 600-800 rubles (but it all depends on the product).

In the same place, the statistics will show how much traffic you poured (hosts / clicks, hits, how many visitors switched from transit to landing), what coefficients turned out (EPC, CR,% approval) and what income was received.

EPC(or eCPC) is the average revenue per click. It is calculated simply: we divide the credited income by the number of hosts.

CR(conversion rate) - conversion rate. It shows what percentage of the visitors who came over left the request. Let's say you have poured 1000 hosts into the offer and received 8 confirmed requests from this. Then CR will be 0.8 (100%/1000*8 = 0.8).

In Everad, in the stat you can see: CRS% - conversion for approved applications and CRL% - conversion for all application statuses.

Approval(approve/App.%) – percentage of approved applications. For example, if you have only 3 out of 10 applications confirmed, and the rest are rejected or pending, then the approval is 30%.

These are the main statistics. For us webmasters, the most important indicator will be EPC. It is on its basis that we will understand whether or not this or that offer has entered on our site.

"Offer has gone"— this means that the result of the offer suits the advertiser

Once you understand the terminology and understand the principles of working with CPA networks, you can start trying to monetize your sites.


— What sites can be monetized with offers (what topics)?
- Absolutely any sites where there is traffic.

Our task is to place advertisements of offers with their links on the site in such a way as to get a good conversion and cost per click (EPC). More precisely, we need to earn income more than we get in other monetization systems.

If your site brings the main income teaser ad, I advise you to get confused and try to replace it with CPA.

It's simple - as a rule, teaser networks advertise offers that you can find in CPA. And if the teaser network pays you 2 rubles per click, this means that the advertiser who posted the teaser receives a much larger EPC.

I think he pays the teaser network 3 rubles. The teaser keeps the ruble for himself, and pays you 2. This means that an advert, in order for him to earn money, must receive at least more than 3 rubles from a visitor. And, most likely, he does. It is unlikely that someone will pour in a minus ...

Why place adverts on the site through the teaser network, if we ourselves can become an advert and earn more?

Suppose you have 100 clicks on teasers per day and you receive 200 rubles from the teaser network. EPC = 2 rubles.

By increasing the cost per click by only 1 rub, you will increase your income by 30%. But here's the problem, in the teaser network you can only increase CTR by decorating the block with teasers and placing it in more clickable areas. But we, alas, cannot directly influence the cost of a click here and now.

And by monetizing the site with offers, we can directly influence the epc.

Let me give you a few examples from life.

Example 1:
Recently I bought a site - a simple small article on WP with various tips about life (how, why and why). The site was not accepted in YAN, and it was dangerous to hang adsense on it - there were too many articles on the “brink of a foul” (not quite a white topic for adsense). Therefore, the site was monetized by teasers. The cost per click in the mediavenus.com teaser network was around 2 rubles. I decided to put my teasers instead. As a result, I received EPC = 5 rubles.

On the screen, he is at the very top. Below are statistics for the rest of my sites. The period is the last 2 months.

Example 2:
A friend had a website on one common disease. In YAN and Adsense, the cost per click was around 5-7 rubles. He tried to monetize the site with offers and got a CPC in the region of 25-30 rubles! Of course, he did a good job with links and statistics analysis, but it was definitely worth it.

Example 3:
There is a site with YAN and adsense on board. The click price was about 3.5 rubles. I hung teasers, got a click price in the region of 3-4 rubles. Essentially, nothing has changed. But the CTR of their teasers can be higher than in the context, and their teasers does not block Adblock! And, if you carefully analyze the statistics, then you can refine the offer monetization, improve bundles, etc., then you can increase your income.


From theory and water we pass to practice.

1. Selection of offers.
The first thing you need to do is to choose the offers that you will advertise on the site.

There are quite a lot of offers in Runet, as well as CPA networks. In order to choose an offer, you must know the target audience of your site (see Metrica: gender, age, interests) and, based on this, make an assumption which offers will be of interest to this target audience.

- General medical site - different honey will go well. offers (treatment of diseases/drugs).
– A medical site about one disease – offers related to this particular disease.
— Site about weight loss and fitness - weight loss offers, sports. inventory, all sorts of belts and more.
— A site about training and gaining muscle mass – offers for gaining muscle mass, exercise equipment, sports. pit etc..
- General site (without a special theme) - top popular offers can go.
— Site about games – offers of online games.
— Site about fishing – offers related to fishing (bite activator, etc.).

You can see what offers are available in the CPA network. Or in the catalog of offers. For example, in this .

You can also go through the sites of competitors and see what offers they are “twisting”.

So, you will have a list of prospective offers that you can try to advertise. If you have selected some specific offers, I would advise you to add to them those that are currently the most popular. If the specific ones “do not enter”, then the popular ones may enter.

You can see which offers are currently popular:

  • in the TOPs of CPA networks. For example, in KMA ;
  • in paid services: Advancets or Publer (you can also look for profitable bundles in them in the future);
  • in teaser networks (just go to the site where the teaser is located and see what kind of ads they open there and what offers they pour on).

2. Creating links.
The construction “traffic source –> offer –> CPA affiliate –> transit –> landing page –> creatives (advertising materials)” is called in one word: bundle.

Our website acts as a traffic source.
We have selected offers.
I recommend only popular and proven CPA affiliates (I already wrote above which ones I work with).

Due to the abundance of transit / landing pages for each offer and the many creative options, you can create a lot of bundles. We physically will not be able to test all possible bundles. Yes, and there is no need for this. I take the most popular bundles (I try 1-3 bundles for each offer) and see which one comes in better.

How to find out which bundles are the most popular?
There are statistics in CPA networks, of course, they are not always correct (due to the fact that they are average for the system), but they can help.

You can also see what links your competitors have. But an even better and correct way to find out top links is to ask your personal manager in the CPA network about it. Write to him on Skype or create a ticket in the CPA affiliate program. Managers are always willing to help and give advice. I recommend to be friends with them and not to be shy to ask questions.

When you have decided on a CPA affiliate program and found out the “working links”, you create streams and get links.

Advertising material options

Now you need to create creatives and hang them on the site. There are many options for how to advertise.

1. Teasers.
I take the text of teasers and images ready-made. I take them, as a rule, in teaser networks. You can, of course, try to draw your own teasers - but you need to be able to do it.

Examples of finished teasers:

I upload a lot of teasers. I create several teasers for each bundle, then unscrew them and see which ones have a good CTR - I leave those. In addition to the CTR of the teaser, it is advisable to look at the conversion (we will talk about this below).

2. Text blocks inside text(native advertising). It can be a block at the top of the text, in the middle or at the bottom of the article. Blocks are either somehow selected from the text, or written as a separate paragraph. Blocks may not necessarily be text - you can insert an image.

I myself do not merge traffic with this method, but they say it gives much better results than teasers. Here are examples of text blocks:

3. "Sale comments". In the comments, supposedly text from the visitor is written and a link is put. The text is written in a positive recommendatory manner. Example:

Such comments are often believed by people and follow the links. I do not advertise in the comments, but this is a common feature on competitor sites. And I think it gives good results.

4. All other ways.
You can hang banners, show pop-up messages when scrolling down the page, make a hypercontext (a link in the text, when you hover over it, an advertisement pops up), try to advertise offers through email newsletters, or come up with something else.

Some webmasters create special shim pages right on their site and direct traffic from them directly to the landing page or even attach an iframe with an order form.

I would be careful. I don’t advise you to advertise “don’t understand what” on your site in this way. It is better to move all transits and landings outside the site, to a separate domain (in the international zone and registered to the left data).

How to display ads?

This is the best script I have ever seen for displaying my teasers, banners, text blocks, etc.

Teaservision is best placed on a separate domain. I do not advise you to put it on the site's domain or its subdomain. After installation, you will have your own teaser network, and you can easily place ads and conveniently manage them on any sites.

The price of the script at the moment: 2200 rubles. But you can get it for 1700 using this promo code: skidka9seo.

The script is constantly evolving and acquiring new useful functionality, for which thanks to the developer!

1. After purchase, you will download the script, install it (instructions are attached).

3. You need to create groups. I create my own group for each advertising space and enter a clear name for it. For example: site.ru - UNDER THE ARTICLE.

That is, if your site will display ads in three places, then you need to create three different groups.

4. We set up a group in "set up and get the code." Here, in principle, everything is simple and clear:
— select the Adaptive block;
— set up how many teasers to display, the design of links, pictures, etc.;
- I leave the type of rotation random;
Necessarily you need to configure the transmission of UTM tags by links.

With the help of UTM, you can see in the statistics of the CPA network from which site / from which placement the teaser was clicked on and what kind of teaser it was. and which offers work and which don't.

Various data can be transmitted in UTM. For example, in Everad, you can pass up to five labels by reference. Here's what it looks like:


Instead of SID1-SID5 - you can substitute your own values.

What values ​​can be passed in order to easily analyze the statistics later?
name of the group (I set it myself in Latin);
teaser id (substituting a macro);
url where the click was (I don't pass);
something else.

At first, the first two parameters will be enough for you. You get something like this:

Now, when clicking on a teaser, information from which group of teasers was clicked and the teaser id will be transmitted.


- You can put any code on the stub - adsense, YAN or teaser network.

5. We create teasers.
— Writing the text of the teaser.
- Insert Url.
The link must be inserted without any parameters (they are already registered in the group and will be substituted automatically).

- You can set up GEO targeting - specify a list of countries in which the teaser will be shown (I'm not setting it up yet).

— Save, upload the image and add the teaser to the desired groups:

6. We take the code (in the group settings) and paste it in the place on the site where you need it.

Analyzing statistics and tweaking

Now, perhaps the most important step is to look at the results and try to improve them.

CPA networks give us extended statistics on streams, sub-accounts, countries, etc. To analyze it normally, you need to pour enough traffic. Because statistics does not work on small numbers (there is a high probability of error).

That's why:

  • We need to pour at least 500 hosts for each stream in order to understand whether the stream brings income or not.
  • Even better - for each subaccount (for each group) pour on the stream from 500 hosts.
  • Top of perfection - for each teaser in each group, pour from 500 hosts. Although for this, of course, you need a lot of traffic on the site or time.

As we poured traffic, we closely look at the statistics. It is important for us to understand:

1. Which stream in the group generates income, and which does not? To do this, open the statistics "by streams" and select the required sub1 (SID).

If the EPC on the stream does not become obsolete for you, then you do not need to pour on this stream. Or you need to change it (change the landing, pre-landing).

By the way, inside the stream, you can do a split-test of landings / pre-landers and also analyze the results.

2. Which teasers in the stream bring leads and which do not? As I already wrote, I make several teasers for each stream and watch their effectiveness. I cut out some teasers due to low CTR at the initial stage, and leave the rest and look at the status after a while.

We look at the statistics “by streams” and select the necessary subaccounts - Sub2 (SID2). It was by SID2 that I transmitted the teaser ID.

3. What countries are the leads coming from? We look at the statistics "by country".

If some countries have low income, then it is worth trying to make special bundles for each country (maybe even in the language of the country) or display Adsense code or another system instead of your teasers. Just limit the GEO of teasers + put the desired code on the stub.

4. We look at statistics on conversions and try to understand the hours in which leads do not come. If you can find a pattern, then you can display the code of another pay-per-click system instead of your teasers at certain hours.

For example, if you have clicks at night, but there is a low conversion, then it will be more profitable to display teaser ads or something else at night, and your teasers during the day.

You can do it in php like this:

if ($date< "00:00" ) //set the desired time until which there will be their teasers
{ ?>
paste your teaser code here

put another code here

Please note that the date() function displays the time that is on your server, and the CPA affiliate shows Moscow time in the conversion statistics. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the server time and correct the input value (add or subtract hours).

More advanced approach

Everything above is lazy monetization. We just put the same codes on all pages and wait for the statistics. For better results in offer monetization, we must create something of our own, use more advanced targeting and analyze statistics on them.

What can be done?

First, create your own transit/landing/creatives. Private links will live longer than those in public and will most likely generate more income.

  • Targeting by device type (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  • Targeting by day of the week. Show different ads on different days of the week.
  • Targeting by sections of the site. In different categories, we run different ads.
  • Page URL targeting. We show different ads on different pages of the site.

    If you have an old site, then you can see in Yandex.Metrica - for what requests visitors come and on which pages and on these pages to spin a suitable offer.

All this is already more complicated and specials are needed. tools. I only know two so far:

  1. adfox.ru A very functional platform. But it’s complicated (you need to understand) + in order to work, you need to conclude an agreement.
  2. adplus.io. Simpler, clearer, but still in development. They promise to open sales of the boxed version in September.

I haven't seen any like it yet. There are some other developments in RuNet, but they are either completely raw or offered as a plugin for WordPress (that is, for one site).

The nuances of work

That's all. I hope the material was helpful. Thank you all for your attention, good luck with monetization and health!

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Almost every user comes across the cherished words CPA on the Internet, but not everyone knows what it is. In this article, I will tell you what CPA is and what it is eaten with, and here you will also find out the TOP 13 best CPA networks in Runet.

What's happenedCPA andCPA network?

CPA(translated from English as “payment for action”) is a way of earning in which the advertiser pays you for some specific targeted user action.

CPA network- this is an intermediary platform on which there are many advertisers who pay for some specific user action - purchase, registration, filling out questionnaires, and others.

Offer- this is the only affiliate program of the advertiser in the CPA network.

I'll give you an example. Let's say you have a gaming site and you are thinking about monetizing your traffic through CPA networks. In this case, all gaming-themed offers are ideal for you (by the way, gaming-themed offers are well represented in and). It is these offers that will allow you to earn the most money in your case, since your site visitors are most likely the target audience for game advertisers. The main thing is not to forget about the genre of the game, i.e. if you have a website related to strategies, it is better to look at all offers with similar topics.

TOP 13 bestCPA networks in Runet

We have already got acquainted with the basic concepts, now it's time to move on to the CPA networks themselves. I have compiled the TOP-13 networks, which, in my opinion, are the best in Runet. As usual, I will first give a short list, and then I will talk about each of them in more detail.



4. Market call

5. LeadTrade

6 Cityads

7. Leadbit

Leadbit is one of the most famous CPA networks on the Russian Internet. The official launch of the system took place on October 28, 2013.

  • Offers are presented by various topics.
  • Accept traffic from: Russia, CIS, Europe, America and the whole world.
  • Minimum amount for withdrawal: 600 rubles.
  • Withdrawal of funds is carried out to: Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, PayPal and to the card.
  • Payments are made upon request.



10. Ad1

12.Kma biz

13. M1 Shop

M1-Shop is one of the most famous CPA networks in Runet. The official launch of the system took place on September 25, 2013.

Use non-standard traffic sources. You can learn more about non-standard traffic sources in the video below.

  1. Use TDS tickers in your work (for example: ). They will allow you to separate traffic and save money.
  2. If necessary, do not forget to use (I use the service).

All these tips can significantly increase your income in CPA networks.


CPA networks give webmasters a huge number of opportunities that were not available before. Now you can safely earn good money without leaving your home. The article you read was supposed to help you understand the basics, now the only thing left is to register in all the listed CPA networks and start earning.

For any webmaster or arbitrator, the question of choosing the right offer is always acute. The number of diverse CPA networks in RuNet has already exceeded a hundred, and each of them may have its own conditions for the same offer. Services for searching and selecting offers can come to the rescue, which store a database of all offers from different affiliate programs and update information on API. Let's see what we can find right now.

Catalog of offers from Partnerkin

A fresh solution that incorporates all the advantages and features of existing catalogs. It is possible to filter by GEO, action, affiliate program, category, traffic and OS. You can view categories separately using the sidebar. Comprehensive statistics are collected for each offer. A detailed overview and ways to use the catalog lie.


There are 35 CPA networks in the catalog (most of them are CPI affiliate programs on hasoffers). There are filters by category, target action, GEO, OS and traffic type. For each offer, you can see the date of appearance and the last update of information. The interface is not very well thought out, a lot of unnecessary information is brought to the fore, but it’s quite enough to get acquainted with the average payouts for the offer.


One of the first catalogs of mobile CPI offers. There are only 15 affiliate programs on hasoffers in the database. By the way, this number has not changed for a long time. Not everything is going smoothly with the data of the offers themselves, often there are offers in the list that have been turned off in the affiliate program for a long time. Apparently, the service was done in haste and at some point they stopped supporting it.


There are 63 CPA networks in the catalog. There are an order of magnitude more product affiliate programs than in the same offerer. The implementation of the catalog itself is not entirely successful - all offers are displayed in the table "Names, Number of goals, Number of networks, Update date", which is inconvenient if you select an offer. If you just want to compare the conditions for a specific offer, then a more detailed table with the type of goals, payout, hold, etc. is displayed in the search results.


This is not even a directory, but a regular table with two columns - "Offer" and "Aggregator". An offer is its URL. No other information is provided there, and the relevance of the data itself is a big question.


A simple catalog of offers, we could not find any information about the number of affiliate programs in the catalog, but if you search for popular product offers, you will not get enough results. Offers are divided into categories, there is a search by keywords. There is also little information on offers - a brief description and the amount / commission percentage.


One of the first catalogs of offers. Initially, it was aimed at CPA offers, but now CPI has already been added (there are not many of them, but they did not overflow the catalog, as is often the case). There are 45 CPA networks themselves. The catalog of offers has filtering by category, goal type and keywords. The offer table is quite convenient, but during the last redesign, the data update date was removed from it, which makes it difficult to work.


The service is somewhat similar to the offerer. There are 50 networks in the database. There are filters by categories, GEO and keywords. The table of offers is purely introductory, no detailed information is provided on them. The service also has a personal analytics system (allows you to receive data on offers from CPA networks using a personal API key) and an automatic registrar of accounts in affiliate networks.


CPA aggregator is an affiliate network. Another name is an affiliate program aggregator (AP), which brings advertisers and webmasters together, making it easier to find partners for both (Fig. 1).

Advertisers usually do not know where to look for webmasters, how to negotiate and work effectively with them. Even if you find good sites, you will need to develop an affiliate system (with analytics and tracking) in which interaction with agents will take place. In fact, this is a complex software product. It will require the work of programmers (who will develop the system) and managers (who will find webmasters).

Rice. 1. An example of a CPA aggregator

The aggregator works on the principle of "one window". The advertiser does not need to negotiate with each webmaster individually. All communications with them are thought out and automated within the framework of the platform.

The CPA network takes care of almost all the “headache” - it provides advertisers with orders, makes it possible for site owners to earn money, and also makes sure that there are no violations on both sides. Often, aggregators already have built-in “anti-fraud systems” that help to avoid cheating.

CPA networks charge a commission for this mediation. The specific figure depends on the platform, but usually it is about 20 percent of the amount that is deducted to the webmaster. This figure is considered to be fair: CPA networks are a complex agency business with a lot of costs.

The largest CPA aggregators. How to choose a CPA aggregator?

  • choose interesting offers using the filter system;
  • negotiate with advertisers and webmasters;
  • make sure that there are no violations;
  • solve emerging problems with the help of a personal manager.

There are about 60 CPA aggregators on the Runet market, which can be conditionally divided into large and small ones. It's always better to start with the big ones. It is foolish to chase quantity - usually it is enough to build work with two or three large platforms.

Aggregators do not work with all advertisers in a row. First, network managers look at the site. If for any reason he is in doubt, the application will be rejected already at this stage. In most cases, this doesn't just happen. If the aggregators immediately reject the advertiser, then there are serious problems with the site.

Network managers will then evaluate the advertiser's proposal. It should correspond to the theme of the aggregator. The market is built in such a way that over time each CPA platform began to secure specific niches for itself, that is, to specialize in certain types of traffic. Therefore, networks have preferences in choosing an advertiser.

For example, if an advertiser comes to promote an online game in the “banking” aggregator Leads.su, managers will most likely refuse him. Novice advertisers often fall into this trap: not all CPA networks immediately advertise the fact of their specialization (it is not profitable for them to immediately weed out large potential customers).

In Runet, you can find several ratings of CPA aggregators, in which everyone can choose the most convenient platform for a specific task.

  • TradeTracker is one of the largest affiliate networks in Europe (operating in almost 20 European countries).
  • The TradeTracker engine is universal. It provides the ability to work with all major advertising modules: CPC, CPM, CPS and CPA.
  • Patented technologies for tracking targeted actions - "Direct Linking" and "Clean Linking" - allow you not to use redirects to track actions. About 90% of affiliate programs in TradeTracker allow you to receive affiliate links on the advertiser's domain.
  • TradeTracker provides all the tools, technical solutions and specialists to start your advertising campaign easily and quickly. The aggregator partner network includes more than 10,000 webmasters around the world and more than 4,000 well-known brands: Technosila, Euroset, Wildberries, Asos, AliExpress, Beeline, Samsung, etc.

TradeTracker Webmaster Offering: Presentation.

A Short List of Responsibilities of a Good CPA Aggregator

  • support old ones, as well as find and add new advertisers;
  • attract new partners, provide support and advice to current partners;
  • organize a tracking system that is understandable to both partners and advertisers;
  • monitor the quality of traffic and prevent fraud, both from partners and advertisers;
  • develop and maintain a transparent system of payments for partners;
  • protect the interests of both parties.

What's happened CPA networks (affiliate programs), let's figure it out. CPA is short for "Cost Per Action", which means cost per action.

They also use the abbreviation PPA - “Pay Per Action”, which translates as payment for action.

It turns out that CPA networks are affiliate programs that pay for certain actions. This is a completely different scheme of interaction between advertisers and advertising platforms. If traditional schemes involve placing ads for a certain time or paying for the number of clicks and / or impressions, then in the CPA model, payment goes for a specific action. This action is called Lead.

What is Leads, lead generation.

As I said above "Lead" (Leads), is a specific user action on the site. Let's take a closer look at what a lead is and what they are. Here are some examples of the most popular leads in CPA marketing:

  • adding goods to the shopping cart on the store's website;
  • purchase of any product;
  • registration on the site;
  • registration in the online game;
  • reaching a certain level in an online game;
  • filling out a form;
  • application for a loan or credit card;
  • etc.

As we can see, there are many options for paying per lead. The process of the appearance of a “lead” is also called a conversion, i.e. performing an action. You can also find such a concept as lead generation. What is lead generation? This term, in essence, means the process of obtaining leads.

A very important feature of lead generation is that the advertiser does not care about the source of traffic. It can be almost any method of collecting traffic, from context to dora. In lead generation, the conversion itself is important, i.e. the end result, such as the purchase of a product.

What is an offer.

We come to the next concept of “Offer”. It is closely related to CPA networks. What is an offer, literally, this is an “offer” (from the English “Offer”). Those. advertising position (offer) for which the advertiser will pay money.

You see, each of these offers is a separate offer. And the payment goes for the specified action (lead). Usually offers are divided into several categories:

  • gaming offers;
  • banking offers;
  • commodity offers;
  • mobile;
  • trips;
  • and some more others.

Any CPA affiliate program has a detailed description of each offer. What traffic can be used, what they pay for and the amount of deductions, which regions the offer is valid for, etc.

What is Fraud, Hold, Ledding, eCPC, CR.

Let's touch on a few more important terms used in CPA networks. Understanding their meaning, it will be easier for you to understand everything.

Fraud(fraud - fraud) - these are any ways to deceive an affiliate program. This can be cheating with low-quality traffic (for example, tasks from axleboxes), registration using your referral link, etc. For trying to deceive the affiliate program and the advertiser, you will be banned when the deception is discovered.

Hold(hold - delay) - this is the period for which the money you earn is frozen in the affiliate program to check the quality of traffic. Those. if the rules of the affiliate program say “hold 10 days”, this means that you can withdraw earnings only 10 days after the lead was made. Usually, if you work with affiliates for a long time and show good traffic, you can reduce the hold time, down to zero.

eCPC(Estimated Cost Per Click) — the average cost per click. This figure is taken for the entire affiliate program for the past day for each offer separately. Those. Each offer will have its own eCPC. Since eCPC shows the average earnings from one click, it is quite possible to estimate your capabilities for each offer. Let's say you can get game traffic for $0.01 per click. And in the CPA affiliate program there is a game offer that shows eCPC=$0.05. Then, accordingly, it will be profitable for you to send traffic there at 1 cent and get five. Of course, provided that the traffic is thematic.

CR(Conversion Rate) — the conversion rate for the offer. This is the ratio of actions to transitions.

Leding(Landing Page) - a special landing page, where the advantage of a product or service is beautifully painted. High-quality landing pages increase conversions well, because encourage the user to take action.

Be sure to understand that eCPC and CR indicators are very dependent on two factors: the traffic source, its quality and subject matter, as well as the quality of the landing. Therefore, do not think that you will get just such indicators when working with the selected offer.

Earnings on CPA affiliate programs

Question earnings on CPA affiliate programs is very relevant now. This direction is developing rapidly and will be in trend for a long time. Many novice webmasters make the same common mistake. They limit themselves to hanging banners of this or that offer on their site and that's it. This is fundamentally not true. Only large portals with large volumes of traffic can afford such an approach.

To make money on CPA networks, you don’t have to sit on your butt straight. We need to look for sources of traffic. First of all, this is traffic arbitrage, about which I wrote a separate article arbitrage. Be sure to use all possible sources of attracting visitors, such as teaser traffic and advertising on social networks.

Making money on CPA affiliate programs is not as easy as some webmasters present on their blogs. You will have to sweat and experiment, spend a certain amount of time and money. You won't get it right away. Most likely, the first month or two you will work in the red until you find your working offer-traffic bundle. But when you find your niche, you can make good money or even get rich. Yes, yes, to get rich, TOP advertisers earn indecently large sums on CPA networks. See below the screenshot of the maximum earnings in Admitad for the past day. I came across people who do not believe in earnings of this size, well, that's their problem.

I have not yet achieved such success, but there are some positive results, a screen from admitad.

Best CPA affiliate programs

Now it's time to go over the list of CPA networks that I myself work with. These are the leaders of the Runet and I recommend that you work with them.

Admitad is a very popular CPA network that has been operating since 2010. It has a very nice interface and convenient statistics. The network has more than 500 different offers, which are divided into categories: finance, internet services, online stores, mobile offers and online games. Minimum withdrawal 300r, paid to Webmoney, Bank, PayPal. In the header of the site, Admitad shows the maximum earnings for the past day.

AD1 is another very large CPA network that offers about 200 different offers. Earnings pays on webmoney, a minimum for withdrawal is 800 rubles. There is no hold in this affiliate program, which is undoubtedly nice. There are some categories of offers that are not available in other networks. These are coupons and discounts, goods by mail, services and services.

Leads is a CPA affiliate program that works exclusively with bank offers. A large number of proposals from leading domestic banks are presented (there are also banks from neighboring countries). If you are aiming to work specifically with the banking sector, then be sure to work with this affiliate program. At the moment, there are fifty offers from banks. Payments occur 2 times a month on Webmoney, the minimum for payments is 300 rubles.



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