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  Day of the Russian press. Russian Press Day Russian Press Day

Newspapers in our country have existed for several centuries, and many people have been involved in their production. To honor their work, a whole holiday was established, which is celebrated annually on the thirteenth of January. Journalist, editor, typesetter - any person who has something to do with the release of print or electronic publications celebrates this celebration, covering an extensive list of professions. This day is not a day off, but was officially fixed in the list of memorable dates.

history of the holiday

In the Russian Empire, this holiday was first held in May 1914. The date was timed to coincide with the day of the publication of the first issue of Pravda, which became the main newspaper for the Bolsheviks. At that time, the celebration was unofficial, official status was acquired only in 1922. Since that time, it was held annually on May 5, until a certain moment of the collapse of the USSR arrived. They did not refuse to hold this holiday, but they postponed it to January, deciding to coincide with another memorable date.

It was the day the first issue of Vedomosti was published in 1703, which was established by Peter I. It was after this order of the Russian emperor that the number of periodicals in the state quickly began to grow. In 1870, the opportunity appeared to subscribe to periodicals, and by 1914 there were already more than 3 thousand magazines and newspapers in the country.

The number of print publications continues to grow, and now - by 2010, their total number has surpassed 93 thousand. Moreover, it is believed that more than 90% of them are non-state. Meanwhile, if we talk about wall newspapers, small-circulation publications, libraries, the Internet as a whole - Internet blogs (in addition to blogs with more than 3,000 visitors per day), forums, conferences, these are not the media.

Russian Press Day is celebrated on January 13th. Presenting your life without newspapers and magazines these days is hardly possible. But the first print publication appeared in Russia not so long ago, only 300-odd years ago. Until the beginning of the 18th century, the Russian-language print press in Russia simply did not exist. Only in 1703, by order of Peter the Great, the first Russian-language newspaper Vedomosti began to be published. The first issue was released on January 13th. It is to this historic important date that the Day of the Russian Press is timed.

By the middle of the 19th century, about a hundred print publications were published in Russia. These were not only newspapers, but also scientific-journalistic and literary almanacs, socio-political, economic and technical publications and even fashion magazines. The most famous periodicals of that period are "Herald of Europe" N.I. Karamzin, "Northern Bee" F.V. Bulgarina, “Moscow Telegraph” under the publication of N. A. Field.

By 1913, there were already almost 400 print daily publications in Russia, which had fairly large print runs, and more than 2,500 local weekly newspapers and magazines. It is curious that ten all-Russian newspapers appeared even 2 times a day in order to be able to inform their readers of the latest news. The main newspaper of the Bolsheviks, Pravda, also began to be published even before the revolution. Her first issue was released on May 5, 1912. That is why in the USSR, the professional holiday Press Day was annually celebrated on May 5, in honor of this most competent Soviet printed publication.

Traditions and features of the Russian Press Day

Russian Press Day has been celebrated on January 13 since 1991. Nowadays it is a professional holiday of a huge army of people who work in the field of journalism. In fact, not only paper workers, but also virtual newspapers and magazines are among them. Indeed, now on the Internet there are no less political, public, scientific and journalistic publications than in real life! It is enough to say that at the beginning of 2011 in the Russian Federation there are more than 40 thousand printed publications. How many publications are virtual - and it is impossible to calculate.

It is simply impossible to imagine modern life without magazines and newspapers. Millions of people daily buy fresh newspapers and magazines with the most relevant information without even suspecting that a lot of interesting personalities and technical workers have put their soul and professionalism into them. In most countries, including Russia, a special holiday is dedicated to the employees of print media - the Day of Russian Press. The date of the celebration was approved by the government relatively recently - December 28, 1991 (Legislation No. 3043-1 of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR). According to this document, in 17th year this holiday is celebrated on January 13th.

history of the holiday

The first print press in Russia appeared more than three hundred years ago. There were no such publications in Russian until the eighteenth century. It all started with the decree of Peter I, when on January 13, 1703, the “printers” first published the newspaper Vedomosti.

Already in the nineteenth century, approximately 100 titles of newspapers and magazines were published in Russia, among which were:

  • literary almanacs;
  • scientific journals;
  • technical and economic publications;
  • newspapers
  • socio-political literature.

The most popular periodicals of the time were:

  1. Moscow Telegraph
  2. The European Herald,
  3. "Northern bee."

By the beginning of the 20th century, there were more than 400 paper "works" in the Russian Federation with a circulation of about 2.5 thousand weekly local newspapers and magazines. In 1913, 10 all-Russian newspapers were published, which were published twice a day, telling their readers about the most relevant news.

The professional holiday of print workers was not always January 13th. It was celebrated in the Soviet Union on May 5 and was timed to coincide with the release date of the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda in 1912.

We offer you to watch an interesting video (approx. Deleted by the owner), arguments by the rector of the parish in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Archpriest Evgeni Popichenko on the topic of modern print media in Russia:

Printing today

At present, the press is an integral part of the media and has a very important role in the life of the Russian Federation. Her task includes:

  • publication of news;
  • public notification of the events of the social and political life of Russia.

According to statistics, in 2009 there were approximately 33 thousand different print publications in the country, which is one and a half times more than in 2000. This suggests that despite the development of television, radio and the Internet, printing does not stand still and is in demand.

What will be the holiday in Russia in 2017

Today, Russian Press Day is widely celebrated in the Russian Federation. Since 1997, on this holiday, press workers have been awarded Presidential Prizes. Young journalists are supported by various grants, gubernatorial or federal awards. A huge number of people working in the field of journalism will receive congratulations:

  • paper workers;
  • journalists of online magazines and newspapers;
  • publicists of scientific and social organizations.

Literary conferences and various contests will be prepared for the January 13 date, where Russian journalists will share their experiences and plans for the future.

Congratulations will be received not only by editorial staff - authors and journalists, but also by other staff, for example, publishers, proofreaders, etc. Also, Russian Press Day 2017 will be celebrated by graduates, students, teachers of specialized universities, their relatives, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Today, when the 21st century is in the courtyard, we live in a world where the media surrounds people everywhere: television, the Internet, radio, magazines and newspapers - all this is part of our everyday life. But once, more than 200 years ago, people did not have all of this, and the media was just emerging. It was the formation of the print of Russian newspapers that gave impetus to the development of media in the country. Let's see what date the Day of Russian Press and what events preceded the appearance of this holiday.

When is Print Day in Russia

The number when the Day of Press in Russia is celebrated - 13th of January  , and the date of the holiday itself is tied to events that occurred about 200 years ago.

Back in 1703, during the reign of Peter I, the country's first newspaper, called Vedomosti, was published in several cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the name of the newspaper as a result constantly changed.

Even before 1991, the holiday we are talking about was called “Press Day”, and the holiday date fell on May 5, it was celebrated annually. Then, on December 28 of the same year, the holiday was renamed to the already familiar Day of Russian Press and began to be celebrated on January 13.

Today, Russia is saturated with the media, including newspapers and magazines. But, after all, from 2001 to 2004 there was a decrease in circulation from 4 million to 3.4 million people. This downward trend has been observed to this day.

Representatives of the most talented and well-known editorial offices are symbolically congratulated during the celebration of this day, and on behalf of the Russian government they present prizes and give grants to improve and support interesting and new projects that could improve the condition of magazines and newspapers on the Russian market.

Now you know when it is customary to celebrate the Day of Russian Press and how it originated. Congratulate your relatives and friends on this day and wish them success and creativity.

It originated more than three hundred years ago. Its initiator was Peter the Great, the most progressive ruler, who laid the foundation for many professions that are successfully developing to this day. Nowadays, professionals celebrate January 13, the Day of Russian Press, a recognized source of information, without which modern life is simply unthinkable. Even if readers learn about the news from the Internet, everyone understands that she gets there directly from the ubiquitous restless journalists who care about everything.

History of Russian Press Day

Today’s holiday dates back to January 13 (according to a new style) in 1703, when the first Russian newspaper Vedomosti, otherwise called Chimes, was laid down by decree of Peter the Great. Earlier, translators of the Ambassador’s order drafted handwritten texts that highlighted foreign events taken from foreign newspapers. This was confidential information intended for a limited circle - the king and his closest political advisers. Similar reports were written about incidents in Russia and from military operations. Peter decided to create a newspaper accessible to a simple layman, and thus inform the population of sensational events in the country and important decisions. Initially, the name of the newspaper changed endlessly, but the full name of “Vedomosti on military and other matters worthy of knowledge and memory that happened in the Moscow state and in other neighboring countries” reflected the essence of the content. Distributors of the first newspapers were peddler boys who, with loud cries of the most scandalous articles, were scampering around Moscow. The newspaper was not published regularly, but always contained brief, most important information.

And already from the beginning of 1870, they began to issue trial subscriptions for print publications, which were held at post offices, these were Russian and foreign newspapers. With the increase in the number of literate people, interest in the press grew.

For a long time in the Soviet Union, “Day of the Soviet Press” was celebrated on May 5. In 1912, on the initiative of V.I. Lenin, the first Bolshevik newspaper Pravda, which became daily, was published. It was the most massive print organ with a circulation of about 60 thousand copies.

And already in 1991, the date of the holiday of professional media workers returned to its historical number, and this year Russian Press Day is again celebrated on January 13th. Everyone who is involved in the creation of paper printed products - journalists, typesetters, proofreaders, publishers, celebrate this day, although it is a working day by law. And World Press Freedom Day (press) is celebrated every year on May 3. On this day, conferences are held in all countries where pen sharks exchange experiences and raise pressing issues of concern to journalists and publishers.

Russian Press Day 2017

Nowadays, the opportunities available to both journalists and publishers have changed significantly. The advent of computer technology allows the journalist, being thousands of kilometers from the publisher, to transmit information from hot spots and places of emergency events in just a few seconds. Large publishers maintain branches in different parts of Russia and abroad, so there is no need to rush to the place of events from the capital if you can get a sensation from representative offices located closer to the epicenter. Although international journalists are still, sometimes risking their lives, they fly to the places of military operations and to the center of natural disasters. Unfortunately, the victims are in peacetime. Recent events in eastern Ukraine have caused the death of several Russian journalists, it is especially unfortunate that the ex-brothers without any regrets cracked down on representatives of a completely peaceful profession only because they were trying to convey to the world the true picture of what was happening. Real fans of their profession, who have to wade off-road, in permafrost and on a hot desert deserve honor and respect, their work should be worthy of being paid.

The work of typesetters, editors and proofreaders has also been greatly improved thanks to computer equipment. It has become much easier to work with texts, correct stylistic and spelling mistakes, and the speed of typing and printing has increased. And, despite the fact that more and more readers are turning to electronic information carriers, it’s more familiar and pleasant to pick up a fresh newspaper or magazine. Many, especially older people, enjoy going to the Pressa kiosk in the morning to buy their favorite publication and read it with a cup of coffee in their hand or sitting on a bench in the park.

Russian Press Day Celebrations 2017

On their holiday, print workers celebrate first in their native collective. At the solemn meeting, words of congratulations and thanks are heard. Higher organizations reward printers for work with diplomas, cash prizes, scholarships, grants. For completing critical tasks, journalists are awarded government awards. Concerts, banquets are held in their honor, theatrical performances are held, warm words and songs of popular artists are also heard from the television screens. On the eve of the holiday, publishing companies turn to government bodies with funding problems and other issues, defend their right to freedom of speech and press. Those who disagree with censorship leave official publishing companies and go on their own bread.

The family and friends also congratulate relatives in the printing industry. It is not difficult to please the journalist with a small souvenir - a large number of original pens, notebooks, folders, cases are easily found on the shelves of stationery stores. These items are relevant and should be at hand, so they cannot be superfluous. But they will always remind you of the care and warmth of home, especially on difficult long business trips.

Where can I get a profession related to printing

Many specialties belong to the category of printers, some of them require long training, others only courses. You can get higher education in journalism at the corresponding faculty of the University or the humanities university. But journalism is quite capable of philologists, linguists and philosophers. Often, people with a technical background, who thoroughly know the subject of coverage and can present it in the best possible way, become excellent commentators on a technical field or a special topic. The main thing in the profession of a journalist is:

  • get information - from documents, observations, interviews and surveys;
  • process the received material - check for accuracy, analyze, edit;
  • be able to defend their point of view, to prove the accuracy of the information, perhaps even in court.

Painstaking and even meticulous work should be to your liking, otherwise the journalist will never achieve recognition.

To show a high class in writing, you must have the following skills:

  • be able to find and analyze information;
  • highlight the main thing from the large volume obtained;
  • have enough arguments to explain the facts;
  • spell out competently, logically and interestingly;
  • be able to handle modern technology - computers, voice recorders, cameras;
  • to have tact and endurance.

All these components must be applied in the work, be prepared for overtime and extreme tasks. As in any other profession, the main thing is to love your job and give yourself completely to work, then, together with the above skills, the result will be impeccable.



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