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  Post presentation. How to download presentations from the Internet

Presentation on the site! Do you know how to embed a presentation on a site? It is rare for anyone to encounter such a phenomenon, however, to do so is easy enough.

And it’s not difficult for them to find an application, PowerPoint presentations, pdf, docx, etc.
  Here in this article I will show you how you can place a presentation on your site ...

A small ad!

The phrase "I hasten to please" is clearly not suitable here! To blame, at the end of November I should have awarded my modest TOP Commentators, namely:

With the onset of December 1, the top was reset to zero, but who was among the first three I remember!
  Congratulations to all the coming! Thank you for participating in the blog!

So, how to make a presentation on a website or blog!

We will do it in a tricky way, using a convenient and interesting service for creating presentations online - Slideshare.net

And it seemed interesting to me in that it is very similar to YouTube, video clips on YouTube, and presentations on Slideshare. They are laid out in order to attract traffic, advertising products. Well, for yourself personally, for work!

For example, I liked the presentation of the new Apple Iphone5 there, which consisted of more than 50 colorful slides. And you know, the hand somehow by itself all tried to scroll through the entire presentation to the end. I understand a lot of personal photo presentations of various beautiful places on earth and travel. The graphics in them are used mostly very high quality, so they all look very interesting. Well, I think you’ll definitely come in and see for yourself, maybe take advantage.

I’m not sure that there is a large Russian-speaking audience there, but attendance as such is not bad, there are quite a lot of views of presentations, there are comments.

I found quite a few Russian-language presentations, went from one to the user’s page (channel) and by the way, there I came across one person whom, as it turned out, I know, more precisely, I was recently recommended to him as a good marketer, and here I came to you for the first time and immediately familiar person.

I was surprised that he had quite a lot of followers (readers and readers), which means that ours has long been chosen by this service. And it’s very good, you’re going to a taxi or metro for some meeting, you went in, threw yourself a big presentation so that you don’t forget what it’s about and everything is fine!

The Russian-speaking audience is really still very narrow, but serious. If you want to get serious business contacts, then this is just the place, the concentration of such people there is high. To the townsfolk, well, or to those who just hang out in contact, this service doesn’t give up! Therefore, there is no stupid flood, mats and other rubbish, as on youtube!

Basically, it can be used as a contact sheet, I’ll start to publish presentations there (download presentations). Well, maybe a little about the blog, about yourself. For courses, books, links, by the way, it’s very convenient to place subscription pages on the same courses and books (all clickable)! Whatever the hell jokes, Runet strides with leaps and bounds, maybe there will soon grow a Russian-speaking party. I liked the integration with Twitter, if you specify your twitter in your profile, a tweet widget appears.

If you think that you do not need her, and to hell with her, hammer

I chatted you completely

How to insert a presentation on the site

In order to place a presentation on a site, we first need to create it in Microsoft PowerPoint. If you don’t know how, you can look at some video on YouTube about how to create it, or at worst download a finished presentation from the Internet and change the text and graphics in it.

The presentation created in PowerPoint can be saved in the following formats (ppt, pps, pot, pptx, ppsx, potx) and in the same formats it is possible to upload the presentation to Slideshare.net

Register on the service by clicking on the Signup button in the upper right corner of the screen.

A more successful Username, I’m sure your name and surname will be, because on the same twitter some person will follow more, not the name of the blog or service. Do not forget to confirm the registration by clicking on the link in the letter that will be sent to your inbox!

Immediately after registration, click on the Upload button and select the file of your presentation in Explorer, then click “Save”

It took me about 20 seconds to download a presentation of 7 slides. Everything will depend on the size! During the download, you can fill out some data for your presentation, or you can not do this, because immediately after the download, the entire input form will disappear and the player with your finished presentation will be shown to you.

  It is better to do this by going to the page of your downloads by clicking on the My Uploads item in the drop-down list.

Here you need to click the link Edit settings and you will go to the settings for this presentation. There you can register and indicate the following:

Now that your presentation has been created and uploaded to Slideshare.net, we will figure out how to upload it to your site.

How to place a presentation on your website

On the same My Uploads page, click on the image or title of the presentation that you want to place on your site and it will open, as in the figure below. We need its code, you see I showed a button with an arrow, click on it and a small panel will pop up below, there will be a field with a code and the “Copy” button, click and the code will be copied to the clipboard.

Great, now you need to insert it into the code of your blog. It is very simple to do this, for example, insert it into a text widget, but before that, you must change the width and height of the presentation in the code, otherwise it may not fit in the sidebar. You can paste the code directly into the body of the article, when creating a new post on your blog (WordPress), be sure to use the HTML tab.

After you insert the presentation code on your website, note that in addition to the iframe tag, which will directly download the presentation from the Slideshare service to our website, the DIV tag also contains two links below. The first link leads to the presentation, and the second to your page (profile) of the Slideshare service. These links must be closed with the rel attribute with the value nofollow (). It is very easy to do.


And so it will look with the attribute:


In general, insert after the target \u003d "_ blank" attribute either before it, or before href \u003d ""! This knowledge will help you in the future!

Or another way, more precisely, if you don’t need these links to the presentation and the profile, delete the entire DIV tag and that’s it!

  Power photo traffic

How to resize a presentation before pasting it on a website

Paste the copied presentation code into yours and the following parameters will be in the iframe tag: