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Presentation on the theme of the circle. presentation for a lesson in geometry (grade 9) on the topic

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Grade 5 "Circle and circle"

Mental Count Calculate:

Oral count On the first day, 9 rows of currants were planted, 7 bushes in each row. How many currant bushes were planted on the first day?

Mental calculation How many times is 4 hours less than a day? How many times is 40 m less than 1 km?

Mental Counting How many times longer is a 36 km journey than a 4 km journey?

What types of lines are shown in the figure?


My compass, dashing circus performer, Draws a circle with one foot, And the other pierced the paper, Caught on and - not a step.

Draw a circle in your notebook. Task number 1.

O R t. O - center of the circle O R - radius or r A R - diameter or d radius diameter A d \u003d 2r r \u003d d: 2

A B C D E F K L O r - radius d - diameter List all radii and diameters

A circle is a closed line, all points of which are at the same distance from a given point. This point is called the center of the circle. A circle is a part of a plane that lies inside a circle (together with the circle itself). A radius is a line segment that connects the center of a circle to a point on the circle. All radii of a circle are equal to each other. Diameter is a line segment that connects two points on a circle and passes through the center of the circle. All circle diameters are equal to each other. The most important.

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The first lesson in the topic "Ordinary fractions".

Textbook by N.Ya. Vilenkin “Mathematics 5”.

The objectives of the lesson: to familiarize students with the concept of a circle and a circle; the formation of the ability to build a circle using a compass for a given radius and diameter.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving:

Personal development:

  • continue to develop the ability to clearly, accurately and competently express their thoughts in oral and written speech,
  • develop creative thinking, initiative, resourcefulness, activity in solving mathematical problems.

Meta-subject development:

  • broaden horizons, instill the ability to work together (a sense of camaraderie and responsibility for the results of their work);
  • continue to develop the ability to understand and use mathematical visual aids.

Subject development:

  • to form a theoretical and practical idea of ​​​​a circle and a circle, as about geometric figures, their elements;
  • continue the development of visual skills (learn to use a compass to build a circle of any radius);
  • to form the ability to apply the learned concepts to solve practical problems.

Type of lesson: a lesson in obtaining new knowledge, skills and abilities.

Forms of student work:

  • individual;
  • frontal;
  • independent work;
  • work in pairs;
  • test control.

Necessary equipment:

  • Projector and screen.
  • Presentation "Circle and circle".
  • Individual sheet for each student Annex 1).

Structure and course of the lesson

Lesson stage

slide number

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formation of UUD (personal, metasubject)

Time (in minutes)

1. Organizing time №1,2
  • welcomes students, sets them up for work,
  • offers to check the readiness of the workplace,
  • poses problems, using a poem designed in the presentation.
  • greet teachers,
  • check readiness for the lesson,
  • They express their opinion on the question posed by comparing the figures: a circle and a circle.

(the ability to solve educational problems that arise in the course of frontal work).

2 Knowledge update. Formulation of the problem. №3
  • declares the objectives of the lesson,
  • writes down the date and the topic of the lesson - “Circumference and Circle”.
write down the date and topic of the lesson in a notebook. Regulatory

(capacity for volitional effort)

3. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children. №4 Conducts a frontal survey according to the drawing on the slide.

1. Which of the drawn figures can be called lines?

Answer the teacher's questions and write down the answers in individual sheets. cognitive
  • (the ability to read meaningfully, extracting the necessary information;
  • the ability to search and extract the necessary information)
  • 5
    2. Which of them are broken lines, which ones are curves? 2. №2,4
    3. Divide curved lines into closed and open. 3. Closed - 3.6.8 open -1.5.9
    4. Points are placed in closed curves 3,6,8, can it be argued that the distance from point O to points A, B, C, D is the same in each figure? Measure the distance to these points using a ruler. Write down the answers. 4. Students measure the distance from point O to points A, B, C, D. Record the results on individual sheets.
    5. Compare figures 6 and 8. 5. Similarity: these are closed curved lines, point O is marked inside, and points A, B, C, D are marked on the lines. Difference: distance from point O to points A, B, C, D in figure 6 - different, in figure 8 - the same
    6. Why do you think figure 8 is a circle, and figure 6 is not a circle? 6. Because in figure 8 the distance from point O to points A, B, C, D are the same, and in figure 6 they are different
    7. What are the essential features of a circle! 7. This is a curved closed line; the distance from point O to all points on the circle is the same.
    8. Can figures 5, 7,9 be called circles? 8. NO! Figures 9 and 5 are not closed curves, and figure 7 does not have a center, the distances from which to all points on the circle are the same.
    9. What is the difference between circles 3 and 8? 9. The distance from point O to points on the circle!
    10. Mark any other point on circle 8 and measure the distance from point O - the center of the circle - to this point, draw a conclusion! 10. The distance from the center of the circle to any point on the circle is the same!
    4 №5,6 Preparing students for the next stage of the lesson. Riddle about the compass in verse. Safety precautions for working with a compass. With the help of slides, the presentation clearly shows the structure of the compass and its purpose. Guess the riddle - "Compass"

    Find all the elements on your compass.


    (ability to engage in dialogue)

    5. The study of new material and its primary consolidation. №7,8 The teacher invites students to build a circle of arbitrary radius with him. Do the task of the teacher. cognitive(the ability to make a model and transform it if necessary).

    Communication (ability to hear and listen)

    Regulatory(ability to analyze the course and method of action)

    №9 Offers to remember which familiar objects have the shape of a circle, and which are the shape of a circle? List items
    №10, 11 Introduces new concepts “circle center”, “circle radius”
    №12 Offers students, without violating the patterns, to build radii in the last circles in the research sheet. Then it includes correctly constructed radii on the slide. Build radii and explain what pattern they have identified. Check for correctness.
    №13 Invites students to do independent research: Build a circle with a radius of 3 cm and mark its center. Connect two points of the circle so that this segment passes through the center of the circle.

    Defines the "diameter of a circle".

    They complete the task in individual sheets, draw a conclusion, then check and correct their mistakes using the presentation slides.
    №14 Write an expression to find the length of this segment. Then he asks the students to check their research using the presentation slide. Students make appropriate entries in their notebooks.
    №15 Introduces the concept of “circle chord”. Students make appropriate entries in their notebooks.
    №16 Gives the task to students: list all the diameters, chords and radii of a circle.
    №17 Introduction of a new concept “arc of a circle”. Students make appropriate entries in their notebooks.
    №18 Gives a task: name all the arcs of a circle. Orally perform the task of the teacher.
    №19 He proposes to perform a practical task: using a compass, build two circles in a notebook with the same radius equal to 3 cm, paint over the inner area of ​​​​one circle.

    He asks the question: how can one explain that the first figure is called a circle, and not a circle?

    Perform the construction of figures in an individual sheet, and call the resulting figures.

    They answer the question: The first figure is painted over, i.e. all points inside this figure belong to it, and it is called a circle.

    №20 Task: name the points lying in the inner (outer) area. Orally perform the task of the teacher.
    6. Research work in pairs. №21 Gives assignments and provides advisory assistance to students who have difficulties. Perform work in pairs. Communicative

    (the ability to cooperate with other people in finding the necessary information)

    7. Test work with mutual control. №22 Invites students to test their knowledge with a quiz. Students complete the test, followed by mutual control. 2
    8. Summary of the lesson. №23 Summarizes the lesson. He offers to describe his impressions of today's lesson and draw a smile to the emoticon, depending on the mood of the students.

    Sets homework:

    Describe in individual sheets the impressions of the research activities carried out, their impressions and their emotional state.

    Record homework in a diary.


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    Slides captions:

    Name the figures K E T S B A X

    Into how many parts is the plane of the figure divided?

    Circle and circle Circle - a closed line Circle - a plane that lies inside the circle, together with the circle

    Circle A circle divides a plane into two parts!

    Construction of O 1) We mark the point O - the center of the circle. 2) Set the radius of the circle using a compass and ruler. 3) We set the leg of the compass at points O 4) We draw a circle.

    All points of the circle are removed from its center. O - the center of the circle and the circle OA \u003d OS \u003d OE - radius - r AB - diameter - d AB \u003d OA + OB d \u003d 2r, r \u003d d: 2 O C A E B Radius - a segment connecting the center of the circle with a point lying on her. All radii of a circle are equal! Diameter is a line segment that connects two points on a circle and passes through its center.

    The diameter divides the circle into two semicircles, O C A B O C A B the circle into two semicircles.

    Arc of a circle CB - arc CB, ends of the arc - points C and B. AC - arc AC, ends of the arc - points A and C. AB, BE O C A E B

    Examples of a circle and a circle in life

    Numbers for work: For fixing the material: No. 850 (orally) No. 851 No. 853 No. 855 For repetition: No. 871 (1) Independent work: No. 872 (1)

    Homework: item 22, No. 874, No. 876, No. 878 (a, d, e)

    No. 853 O A B r \u003d 3 cm OA \u003d, OA r

    No. 855 C D AC = 3cm, CB = 3cm D A = 4cm, B D =4cm B A

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    The image of the circle and its role in the story of V. Nabokov "Circle"

    "9 circles of hell according to Dante" A guide to the circles of hell from the "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri.

    The Divine Comedy (Italian: La Commedia, later La Divina Commedia) is a poem written by Dante Alighieri in the period from 1307 to 1321 and gives the widest synthesis of medieval culture ...

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    Slides captions:

    Circle The presentation was prepared by: Kislova Svetlana Igorevna Mathematics teacher MBOU secondary school No. 2 G. Lyskovo

    Goals and objectives: To systematize the theoretical material on the topic "Circumference". Improve problem solving skills. Prepare students for the test. To prepare students for the successful solution of the "Geometry" module when passing the OGE.

    tangent properties C-tangent A-point of tangency C OA O A C a b M A B O

    Theorem on tangent and secant C M A B The square of the length of the tangent is equal to the product of the secant and its outer part. D C A B O

    Central and inscribed angles Central Inscribed B A O D A C B O

    An inscribed angle is either equal to half of its corresponding central angle, or (2) complements half of this angle to 180 degrees. 12

    Inscribed angle properties O A B D C B K A C

    Property of intersecting chords С В К А D

    Inscribed circle Each point of the bisector of a non-expanded angle is equidistant from its sides Inversely: each point lying inside the angle and equidistant from the sides of the angle lies on its bisector The sums of opposite sides are equal.

    Circumscribed circle Each point of the perpendicular bisector to the segment is equidistant from the ends of this segment Conversely: each point equidistant from the ends of the segment lies on the perpendicular bisector to it

    Oral tasks on ready-made drawings 160 Answer: 80 ? Answer: 45 B A C B C A D A B C M K R 5 6 3 Answer: 28 ?

    A C B D 7 8 P=? Answer:30 M C T O 70° ? Answer: 20° O

    Should be able to: Apply definitions, properties of figures, various theorems when solving problems. Be able to build a logical chain of reasoning. Apply the theory to a new situation.

    120° 60° 120° 240° 115° 65° 230° 40° 140° 140° AC CB AB R KTP PK PT KPT - - 4 3 5 2 , 5 30 ° 4 8 60° - - Answers:

    Group 2 1 2 3 4 B A C A Group 1 1 2 3 4 A C B D Group 3 1 2 3 4 C A AB C B

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    A math lesson in the 6th grade on the topic "Circumference. Circle. Circumference" is best done in the form of practical work ....

    The purpose of the lesson: to repeat the concept of a circle and a circle; calculation of the value of Pi; introduce the concept of the circumference of a circle and formulas for calculating the circumference of a circle ....

    The first lesson on the topic Circumference in grade 6. Practical work is being carried out, during which the guys calculate the value of the number pi. Getting to know Pi...

    Rodionova G. M. The number circle on the coordinate plane // Algebra and the beginning of analysis Grade 10//. The presentation contains material: the number circle on the coordinate plane, the main ...


    MATHEMATICS - 5 cells

    Goals and objectives of the lesson:


    • Ensure the assimilation of the concepts of a circle, a circle and their elements (radius, diameter, chord, arc).
    • Consider the relationship between diameter and radius of a circle.
    • To introduce the compass tool, to teach how to draw a circle with a compass.
    • Learn to find common and different between a circle and a circle; broaden the horizons of students.


    • The development of logical thinking, attention, creative and cognitive abilities, imagination, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions.
    • Formation of accuracy and accuracy in the execution of drawings.
    • The use of information technology in the study of mathematics.


    • Development of diligence, discipline, respect for classmates.
    • Formation of interest in mathematics.

    Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, drawing tools.

    The compass is a drawing tool. It has a needle on one end and a pencil on the other.

    The circle must be handled with care!

    1. Mark a point in your notebook and mark it with the letter O.

    2. Take a compass, spread the "legs" of the compass to a distance of 3 cm.

    3. Place the needle of the compass at point O, and draw a closed line with the other “leg” of the compass.

    We got a closed line, which is called circle . What is a circle?

    Task number 1: Which figure shows a circle and why.

    Circle a geometric figure consisting of all points located at the same distance from a given point. This point is called circle center .

    Circle - This is the simplest of the curved lines. One of the oldest geometric figures. Aristotle argued that the planets and stars should move along the most perfect line - the circle. For hundreds of years, astronomers believed that the planets move in a circle. Only in the 17th century, scientists: Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton refuted this opinion.

    Task 2

    1) Draw a circle centered at O.

    2) On the circle mark three points A, B and C.

    3) Connect them with a segment to the center of the circle.

    4) What can be said about the resulting segments?

    Conclusion: All segments are equal, because All points on a circle are the same distance from the center.

    This distance is called the radius, denoted by - r .

    What is the radius of a circle?

    Circle radius is a line segment that connects the center of the circle and a point on the circle.

    Even the Babylonians and the ancient Indians considered the most important element of the circle - radius. The word is mathematical and means "beam".

    In ancient times, this term did not exist. Euclid and other scientists simply said "straight from the center", then in the 11th century it was called "half-diameter". The term "radius" is first encountered in 1569 by the French scientist Rams. Generally accepted - "radius" becomes only in the 17th century.

    Euclid -

    Great Ancient Greek

    mathematician; first

    mathematician of Alexandria


    Construct two circles in a notebook with a radius of 2 cm. Paint over the inner area of ​​​​one circle.



    How are the two drawings similar and how are they different?

    CIRCLE - a geometric figure consisting of all points of the plane that are inside the circle (including the circle itself).

    CIRCLE - a geometric figure consisting of all points located at the same distance from the center of the circle.

    Which objects are circle-shaped and which ones are circle-shaped?

    Task 3

    Construct a circle centered at point O, r = 3 cm. Mark two points A and B on the circle and connect them with a segment.

    AB - chord

    Chord A line segment that connects two points on a circle.

    Chord - this Greek word "chorde" - a string, was introduced by European scientists in the 12-13th centuries. A chord divides a circle into two arcs.

    CD = r+r = 2r = d = 2r "width="640"

    Task 4

    Draw a chord through the center of the circle.

    This chord is called - diameter, denoted – d.

    Define diameter.

    Circle diameter is a chord passing through the center of the circle.

    CD = OC+OD, OC = r, OD = r = CD = r+r = 2r = d = 2r

    • The diameter is made up of two radii, so the diameter is twice as long as the radius. The radius is twice the diameter.
    • So, diameter is 2 radii, and then the radius is half the diameter. r = 4 cm, d=2 r, d = 2 4 = 8 cm d = 8 cm, r=d:2, r = 8:2 = 4 cm
    • Memorize these formulas!

    d=2 r

    How are radius and diameter related?

    Extend line segment AO until it intersects the circle.

    Mark the point of intersection with the letter K.

    The segment AK is called diameter circles.

    Diameter denoted by the Latin letter d.

    Circle diameter is a line segment that connects two points on a circle and passes through its center.

    connect the dots

    M and K, A and M.

    The segments MK and AM are called chords circles.

    Chord is a line segment that connects two points on a circle.

    Name all the radii, diameters and chords of a circle.

    Draw a circle centered at point O.

    Mark two points A and B on the circle.

    Points A and B divide the circle into two parts, which are called arcs circles.

    Formulate definition of arc circles.

    arc of a circle is the part of a circle enclosed between two of its points.

    Name all arcs on a circle:


    lying on a circle.


    not lying on a circle.


    lying on a circle.


    Option 2

    A1. What is the name of the segment AB in drawing No. 2?

    1) chord of a circle

    2) circle diameter

    3) circle radius

    A2. Choose the correct sentence of the statement:

    The diameter of a circle is the line segment that...

    A3. Can a circle have two radii of different lengths?

    2) can't

    3) find it difficult to answer

    Option 1

    A1. What is the name of the segment AB in drawing No. 1?

    1) circle diameter

    2) circle radius

    3) chord of a circle

    A2. Choose the correct continuation of the statement:

    The radius of a circle is a line segment that...

    1) connects any two points of the circle

    2) connects the center of the circle to any point on the circle

    3) connects two points of the circle and passes through the center of the circle

    A3. Can a circle have two diameters of different lengths?

    2) can't

    3) make it difficult to answer

    check yourself

    Draw a circle with a center at point O and a radius of 3 cm. Draw a straight line that intersects the circle at points M and K.

    How far from the center of the circle are these points?

    The segments OM and OK are the radii of the circle, therefore

    OM=3cm, OK=3cm


    Answer: at a distance of 3 cm

    Task number 1

    • A segment AB is given, its length is 4 cm. Construct a point X if it is known that AX = 3 cm, BX = 5 cm.

    How many points did you get?


    Answer: two dots

    Task number 2

    • Segment AB is the same as in the previous task, its length is 4 cm. Build a point X if you know that: 1) AX = 1 cm, BX = 3 cm. 2) AX = 1 cm, BX = 2 cm. points you received in the first case and how many in the second case?


    Answer: none!

    Answer: one dot

    Task number 3

    The radius of the circle with center O is 2 cm. Position points A, B, C so that: the distance from O to A is less than 2 cm, the distance from O to B is 2 cm, the distance from C to O is more than 2 cm.


    2 cm

    Answer: point A can be located anywhere inside the circle; point B - on the circle; point C - anywhere outside the circle

    Summary of the lesson (reflection):

    Describe your impressions about today's lesson:

    • I found out…
    • I can…
    • It was difficult…
    • I like it…
    • Thanks for…


    • pp. 133-134, memo (learn definitions),
    • Ex. 855, 874, 875, 876.
    • Extra . Make a pattern of circles (ornament).

    Thanks to all for work!



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